Saturday, November 11, 2006

Dear America, Stop being clueless...

Fascinating poll results about Bush's ever sinking approval ratings and even more fascinating is this:

Huge majorities of those polled said they approved of the legislative
priorities cited by Democratic leaders after their party seized control of the
Senate and the House of Representatives from Republicans, the magazine

But they also expressed concerns that Democrats might seek to pull U.S.
troops out of Iraq too quickly or hamper the administration's efforts to
combat terrorism, it said. Read it here.

Because you know our presence in Iraq is continually shaping up to be such a freakin' positive thing... As a matter of fact just today...

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Sunni gunmen ambushed a convoy of minibuses Saturday
night at a fake checkpoint on a highway south of Baghdad, killing 10 Shiite
passengers and kidnapping about 50.

Across the country at least 52 other people were killed in violence or were found dead, five of them decapitated Iraqi soldiers.

And that's not to mention that we're only 11 days into the month of November and 23 US service members have already been killed.

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