Sunday, November 12, 2006

Stay the Course in Iraq... 2800 American Lives...,

Stay the Course in Iraq... Iraqi Civil War...., Karl Rove's state of Denial... Priceless...

Talk about living in a state of denial... Nothing ceases to amaze me about this administration ability to not see the Elephant in the room (so to speak)... From the "stay the course - everything is fine in Iraq" to the latest and greatest from Karl Rove - apparently he thinks the mid-term election wasn't a smack down of the Bush administration. I pose this question to you Mr. Rove, where the hell is your permanent majority now?

The Architect, as President Bush once called him, has a theory for why the
building fell down. "Get me the one-pager!" he cried out to an aide, who
promptly delivered a single sheet of paper that had been updated almost hourly
since the midterm elections with a series of statistics explaining that the
"thumping" Bush took was not such a thumping after all.
The theory is this:
The building's infrastructure was actually quite sound. It was bad luck and
seasonal shifts in the winds that blew out the walls -- complacent candidates,
an ill-timed Mark Foley page scandal and the predictable cycles of history. But
the foundation is fine: "The Republican philosophy is alive and well and likely
to reemerge in the majority in 2008."

It's fascinating!

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